Tips for Building Better Business Relationships

By Ankit Bansal Friday, September 9, 2011 0 comments

Business Relationships is the source that feeds the success of your business. It doesn't imply in what business you are in, building better business relationship help you in your business growth and also aid to find out new ideas to expand your business. So, it is very essential for everyone to have better business relationships. I am going to share some major tips to build the healthy business relationship with your customers.

Be honest

As a small business owner, it is very important that you should be honest as well as noticeable by others in your field, but if you client asks about their company what will you do? Will you lie them or be an honest and give a respectful answer? Well in my case, I had an appointment with a tattoo artist few months back for website development. I was meeting with the tattoo artist and they asked me about my experience in their industry (of which I had none). I could have tried to spin my replies to sound like that I knew a lot about their industry. Instead, I told them I had no experience about their industry and also said why that might get advantageous for them. I was really surprised to see the friendly smiles on their faces which were a green signal of building a good business relation. They really appreciated my honesty and gave me a website contract and it laid to a friendly business relationship foundation at present.

Listen more that you talk

We all want to express our business strength to impress others and mainly to get business. But the real truth is being a good listener brightens up your qualities much better that being a biggest talker. During my work I realized that we should listen to our clients need not with the two ears but with more than two ears. Now if we start talking a lot about our business then the client gets bored because maybe like me others may be bored him but if you listen to him carefully so that you get the total sketch on your mind what the client is talking about, his requirement, etc, you are ready to provide him better service or product which will be appreciated by your customer. This behavior leads to build better long-term business relationship.

Aim to Give, Not Just to Take

It is very natural that you desire to get benefits from your business relationships but it depends only if you have open-minded approach. Concentrate on better way to assist you clients and in return you will notice that you are getting more than what you are giving. You should take time to listen to your customer’s need or vision and try to provide opportunities for them to fulfill this whenever possible. Sometimes I give an opportunity to my clients that I refer them to someone which may help their business growth. I get nothing for doing this, but my client really appreciates it and builds long-term business relationship and also help in business growth.

Face-to-Face (Offline) Meeting

Most of the time we are connected to our clients through social media, which are very fine start but for building better business relationship, you need to meet you client face-to-face (offline). Invite your contacts to an event (get together, coffee party or meal) to share more ideas. This will help to gather not only the new business ideas but also to know each other better. I’ve seen for many people and even me too, networking events are challenges, but having at least one friendly face on that networking event can give them confidence to network better and also buildup great business relationship.

Building better business relationships with clients need time, you won’t get the immediate results but try to apply the above give tips which are experienced by me and will give hopeful results within few months and also will increase you business growth.

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