How to Increase Entrepreneurship in India

By Ankit Bansal Wednesday, September 21, 2011 0 comments

How to Increase Entrepreneurship in India? We all know that India comes among the world’s fastest growing countries; the development had already started accelerating day by day after government introduced certain policies to get rid of economic crisis. These policies were based on globalization, industrialization, privatization and liberalization which leaded to open lot of opportunities for Indians.

After these reforms introduced by an Indian Government in 1991, Indian economy was opened in front of the world. Now India is world famous country due to day by day economic growth of Indian economy. It is true that corruption is raising its head but some actions are taking place to wipe out corruption from India. However, economic growth has shown, we are still back in the overall economy. The number of companies is very low in our country if compared to our population.

It is very important to increase entrepreneurship. Unfortunately, I am very sad to say that hundreds and thousands of graduates who passes from the best business institutions from India, waits for the placements by the institutes or works for a whole life like a donkey for companies and at the same time like to be placed on multinational companies in foreign country not the Indian multinational companies. They have idea, they have talent, they are hard working, they get money but their mentality is very bad, their will power is wrong.

Entrepreneurship can be increased by changing certain policies by government. Government is only the sole body who can increase entrepreneurship in India. They should concentrate in spreading awareness of self-employment business model to everyone and encourage everyone to start self-employment. Government should encourage self-employment business model in campuses. There should be compulsory entrepreneurship classes in business institutions and colleges. They must teach students, how self established business can fulfill their dreams.

Getting your entrepreneurship business registered should be very easy processing. Government should provide very lo-interest rates for establishing new small business so that people will be willing to invest. Government should also introduce new opportunities to self established business also not only to MNCs but right now if any entrepreneur fills the tender request form it is rejected without any reason. So, it is very important for government to at least try self-established business or firm for projects, this may increase good productivity and lower the project cost.

There lot more thing that government can do to encourage entrepreneurship. If the entrepreneurship is increased, the economic growth is also increased automatically.

Hence, it is a right time for government to start spreading awareness about entrepreneurship in the country. If there are lot more ideas to increase entrepreneurship, you can share it on below comment box.

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